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Functions, duties, and responsibilities of a salesman

Functions, duties, and responsibilities of a salesman

The duties and responsibilities of a salesman differ from one business to another, depending upon the nature of the business,...

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Erasmus exchange in Turkey will remain long in my memory

Erasmus exchange in Turkey will remain long in my memory

My name is Matas Mišeikis, I live and study medicine in Lithuania but last year I had a wonderful opportunity to go on an ex...

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Lithuania-My Erasmus Destination

Lithuania-My Erasmus Destination

I was a 3rd-year veterinary medicine student when I did my Erasmus in Lithuania. The idea of doing Erasmus was all-time in my...

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How to answer the question. What is your greatest weakness ?

How to answer the question. What is your greatest weakness ?

There are four things that this question is trying to uncover, the first is: do you have self-awareness, are you open and hon...

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Tips on how to respond to the most common job interview questions

Tips on how to respond to the most common job interview questions

Our team believes that every student and recent grad deserves a great career. Here we'll take a look at how students and rece...

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How to write a successful motivational letter ?

How to write a successful motivational letter ?

Today we want to talk about how to write a successful motivational letter. A motivation letter should not be too long or too ...

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career productivity salesman recruiter University of Ulm Recruiter profile M4Y Team soft skills University of Zagreb erasmus Erasmus educator profile candidate profiles real estate remote job ecosystem skills Turkey Erasmus+ job interview hard skills promote yourself working from home Norwegian University office job remote working Lithuania interview experience study Educator job questions motivation dress for interview success Erasmus University profile tourism study abroad LSMU future jobs medicine studies Employability motivational letter CV apprenticeship pandemic hospitality


Webinar: MY JOB, What is the FUTURE?!

90 minutes - 4 Speakers from around the world - Sarah Bishop, Tiago Nascime...

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JOB IN - Job fair

Following our continuous efforts to add value and be an effective community...

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Forinvest 2022 Valencia

Matching4You in Spain, Valencia. Our Team member Kostas Alisauskas attended...

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