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Lithuania-My Erasmus Destination

Lithuania LSMU


I was a 3rd-year veterinary medicine student when I did my Erasmus in Lithuania. The idea of doing Erasmus was all-time in my mind since 1st year of my studies and when I found that opportunity I did not want to miss it. I recommend it to everyone who wants to meet with different cultures, who loves to meet with different nations. It is astonishing when I look back and see how much I am changed, it boosted my confidence, it made me more independent. Before Erasmus, I couldn’t imagine that it could change my life completely. It was very entertaining, full of everything, for an educational perspective its contributions are priceless for me either. In the dormitory with another Erasmus student amazing time we were having (at least for me it was like this 😊), we were playing with cards, we were talking, laughing, partying, cooking. Erasmus also taught me about cooking, living by myself, arranging my expenses according to my financial status.

Erasmus also attributed to my veterinary medicine education very much. Huge gaps between my university and the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) are significant and need to be filled. Experiencing European standard qualities in education was amazing for me. In the faculty Vet Doctors, their knowledge accumulation, their discipline in their job just positive impact left on me, and I will apply in my career also.


About the country itself if I would like to say few things. Just a very green, calm, safe, and clean country. It's public transportation is well developed as well I think. One of the countless beautiful museums of Lithuania is Kaunas Tadas Ivanauskas Museum of Zoology; was big and well-designed. Trakai Island is really interesting and nice as well. It is located in Trakai. It is a historic city and lake resort in Lithuania. In a summary, I adored my Erasmus experience in Lithuania and I would like to encourage people for Erasmus.


Thanks to Aylin for sharing this article


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