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Medical Student experience in Ankara

Medical Student experience in Ankara

Erasmus made my life much more easier, I can count many habbits that I changed so far during this enormous adventure. As a so...

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Erasmus - the best decision of your life

Erasmus - the best decision of your life

When I started my studies at home, I always heard people talking about Erasmus and how amazing it is, but I always thought th...

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5 things to help you rock your interview

5 things to help you rock your interview

Now it’s time to think about preparing for your interview. We want you to succeed through the interview process and beyond so...

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Tips for Success

Tips for Success

What you get out of an internship depends, at least in part, on what you put into it.

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Documenting Your Experiences

Documenting Your Experiences

It is important that you keep your resume updated and current; you never know when someone may ask you to send them a copy.

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Promoting Yourself for Future Employment

Promoting Yourself for Future Employment

Studies show that about half of new hires have internship experiences. Businesses compete for capable, bright people who lear...

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Recruiter profile Turkey University of Zagreb promote yourself office job skills productivity apprenticeship Erasmus+ erasmus dress for interview profile Educator study Erasmus CV soft skills remote job job questions Lithuania pandemic candidate profiles hospitality remote working success hard skills LSMU educator profile ecosystem Norwegian University motivation future jobs recruiter real estate working from home Erasmus University career Employability medicine studies M4Y Team University of Ulm interview study abroad job interview experience motivational letter tourism salesman


Webinar: MY JOB, What is the FUTURE?!

90 minutes - 4 Speakers from around the world - Sarah Bishop, Tiago Nascime...

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JOB IN - Job fair

Following our continuous efforts to add value and be an effective community...

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Forinvest 2022 Valencia

Matching4You in Spain, Valencia. Our Team member Kostas Alisauskas attended...

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