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How to write a successful motivational letter ?

motivational letter



Today we want to talk about how to write a successful motivational letter. A motivation letter should not be too long or too short, three or four paragraphs are enough. If you know who will read your letter, make it addressed to this person, otherwise just start with Dear sir or Madam.

When starting your motivation letter, make sure to grab the reader's attention from the beginning. Before writing your letter, take the time to find out about the organization for which you are applying. When writing a letter you want to make sure you know what and where you're applying, you should do some research about it and don't hesitate to insert some of this information in your letter.

It is always a good idea to explain why you are interested in that particular program and what you have to offer, so they will know why they should choose you and not another candidate. Focus on your strong points, keep it personal and write more about yourself, your experiences, your letter must reflect your personality, it will help you to stand out from the crowd.

Make sure that you covered all important information, at the end of the letter summarizing the main points you made and write your name. If you write a motivation letter in English and it's not your mother tongue, ask a native speaker if possible to check it and see if there are spelling mistakes.


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